Special Note: Failure to follow the steps exactly will result in NO IMAGES shown on your Resume and on your Snapshots Project. (p.s. That's me with Casper and Wendi in the Stallion last Friday!)
To insert images on your web your page, follow these steps:
- 1. Remove any existing graphic (image) from your KompoZer web page.
- 2. Save your html file and close it.
- 3. Double check to make sure your image is in the image folder (under either resume OR snapshots images).
- 4. Open your html file again in KompoZer and define your site (lesson 2.06 tasks)
- 5. On your html file, insert Image, Click URL is relative to page location, and add alternate text to name the graphic. With the tabs you can change the size, where the text is located, and add a border around the graphic.
- 6. Save the html file again before closing it.
- 7. Zip your files BEFORE before sending them to your dropbox.
For RESUME, follow these steps
- 1. Save and Close the html file BEFORE you place the image (See the notes above.)
- 2. Make sure your graphic has "relative" checked in KompoZer.
- 3. Make sure your html resume is in the html folder under the resume folder.
- 4. Make sure your graphic is in the images folder under the resume folder
- 5. Then right click on resume, click Send to, select Compressed (zipped) folder.
- 6. A folder will automatically appear in your folder list with the zipper icon; the name will still be resume.
- 7. Send that zipped folder to me in your dropbox. I can then open the graphic and the resume!
- 1. Make sure your images have "relative" checked in KompoZer.
- 2. Make sure your html files are in the html folder under the snapshots folder.
- 3. Make sure your image is in the images folder under the snapshots folder
- 4. Then right click on snapshots, click Send to, select Compressed (zipped) folder.
- 5. A folder will automatically appear in your folder list with the zipper icon; the name will still be snapshots.
- 6. Send that zipped snapshots folder to me in your dropbox. I can then open the graphics and the snapshots!